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Thursday 25 April 2013

Ubuntu 13.04 to be released today


Ubuntu 13.04
Ubuntu 13.04
The most famous Linux distro in the World Ubuntu maintained by Canonical is bringing it's new release Ubuntu 13.04.

Ubuntu 13.04 was promised to come in April 2013 with new improvement in design, speed and functionality.The main design for Ubuntu 13.04 will be again Unity but with some improvements like new Window snap animation, new Unity preview animation, new Shutdown dialog, Per-App account Toggles, new sync menu,  Work space item, new Lenses, Window switching methods etc etc.

OMG! Ubuntu has made a great video to show a preview to some of main Ubuntu 13.04 features.

Ubuntu 13.04 comes with a set of improved design of their icons and a much faster speed than his predecessors. Let's wait for the new release today.....


It's already available. I am going to give a try and install it. Unfortunately it doesn't support an installation from WUBI because Microsoft has made it hard for them. I am going to check if there are any instruction regarding another wubi-like alternative.

Featured updates highlighted by Canonical is the fact that Unity search has better maintain for typos and common mistakes, and that packages such as Libre Office and Python have been updated. While the Unity search update is quite kind, and seems to be very elegant, its hardly a redefining feature. At the very least, it also makes its way into the HUD, however integration of online search results from Canonical partners is yet as obtrusive as before.

Ubuntu 13.04 is a disappointing update with few changes, and few that repair any of the issues people have been having with Unity. Ther is little experimentation, and the supposed speed upgrades are not as major as Canonical would want you to believe. By all means, upgrade, but dont expect the friendly of hop you normally profit.

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